Welcome to Synth Eastwood. We curate and produce creative events and projects here, there and everywhere.

Optical Theremin
Michael Una | www.una-love.com
Michael sent us over one of this custom built Optical Theremins. He calls it “Beep-it. We used it live during The Synth Eastwood Band’s live set.
In Michael’s own words:
“Beep-it is an optical theremin. It outputs a square wave whose pitch is controlled by the amount of light striking a photoresistor. You control the pitch by casting shadows over the light sensor, or by pointing it towards/away from a light source. Flashing lights induce an interesting oscillating effect. A single momentary button turns Beep-it on or off.
There is an 1/4″ output jack for connecting to audio equipment like amplifiers, guitar pedals, recording, etc.”