Shots (UK) | www.shots.net
Shots were kind enough to write a double spread on us in their July 2010 issue.
VICE Magazine / Stag & Dagger | www.viceland.com/staganddagger
We were interviewed after our performance in Glasgow. You can read it here, UK.
Jotta (UK) | www.jotta.com
“Strong ideas and exceptional execution…”
“…an incredible show of live music, animation and interactivity”
Unfortunately Jotta have updated their site and deleted our interview and review. Luckily we saved the nice quotes.
The Guardian (UK) | www.guardian.co.uk
The Guardian featured us in March 2010. You can read more here.
Creative Review | www.creativereview.co.uk
Creative Review were kind enough to highlight our event in their April 2010 edition.
Digbeth Is Good | www.digbeth.org
“..they are as lovely as they are clever and stark staring mad”
Digbeth Is Good, UK.
Little White Lies | www.littlewhitelies.co.uk
UK film magazine Little White Lies covered our Flatpack Festival event here.
Film4 | www.film4.com
Film4 gave us a mention here.
Twitter | #SynthEastwood
Follow Synth Eastwood on Twitter
Sticks & Stones | www.sticks-and-stones-magazine.co.uk
UK magazine Sticks & Stones did a feature on us. Read it here.
Candy | www.candycollective.com
Online arts magazine Candy did an 8 page feature on us early 2008.
Other articles include Totally Dublin & Temple Bar Magazine.
- 25.04.13
- 25.09.12